Moving along, I have some pretty cool news. My final assignment for my news writing class, which is due in about a week and a half, is a personality profile piece on someone from the Syracuse-area community. At first, I wasn't sure who I wanted to write about, then a great idea occurred to me. If you've been following the blog, you'll remember that shortly after I arrived in Syracuse, I auditioned for a company that produces audiobooks. The company is owned and run by popular children's author Bruce Coville, who lives in Syracuse and is a personal favorite of mine from when I was a kid. I decided to get in touch with Dan, the guy from the audiobook company who was there when I did my audition, and he gave me Coville's email address.
I sent him an email this afternoon about possibly doing the interview, and he quickly wrote back, saying that he would do it. Unfortunately, there are still some wrinkles to work out, but it looks like it's going to happen. The problem is mainly a scheduling conflict. Coville is flying to the west coast on Wednesday and won't be back for a couple of weeks, so if we do the interview it will have to be Monday or Tuesday. We're currently aiming for Monday evening, after I get done with class, which should work. The only other hurdle is that I need official approval from my professor before I can move ahead, but I sent him an email about it tonight and I would expect him to get back to me tomorrow.
So, fingers crossed, I will probably be sitting down for an interview with Bruce Coville in a couple of days. I'm so excited about this, both because I'm a Coville fan and because this will probably make me look great to my professors, since I doubt very many people find such high-profile subjects for this assignment.
Things continue to go well in both my classes. This week's graphics project was a real bitch, though. We had to design a logo for ourselves and then apply it to a letterhead, a business card, and a business envelope. I had no problem coming up with ideas for a logo, but my professor kept shooting them down while we were in the lab working on the project on Friday. Some of them he just didn't like, while others simply would not work for various reasons (he explained to me that, since a logo should theoretically work on something very small like a business card or something very large like a billboard, it needs to be versatile. Some of my designs looked great on a letterhead, but didn't work very well when you shrunk them down to a much smaller size). So, anyway, it took me most of the day just to come up with a logo that satisfied the professor (and I don't even like it that much), and then I had to rush through the designs and layouts for the letterhead, business card, etc. At the end of the day my professor said he liked what I wound up doing, so I might get a decent grade on it, but it was just a huge pain in the ass. Horrible day. I hate the fact that my summer schedule calls for me to spend all day Friday in a computer lab working on that week's graphics project. I actually dread Fridays right now. That's not a good way to go through life.
And it's going to get a whole lot worse in regards to the graphics class this week. We have a very complex project, designing a magazine layout, due Friday, and we've been informed that there's no way we'll be able to finish it if we only work on it in class. So this week it looks like I'll be spending my days in class, then my evenings working in the computer lab until 8 or 9. It's going to suck out loud, but it will be over soon. Only two more weeks of summer classes, then a short break before the fall semester starts in late August.
I'm not going to write more about Obama's trip to Europe and the huge crowd he drew in Germany earlier this week, at least not right now, but I will get back to these subjects in the future. I'll probably write quite a bit about the presidential election as we get closer to November, as this is the first time I've ever become really interested in politics (hey, I might even vote!). So yeah, stay tuned for politics talk in the future, but not just yet.
Tomorrow will be a pretty full day. I'll still be working on setting up the Coville interview, and then, assuming we're ready to go ahead with the interview on Monday evening, I'll need to do some research and write some questions. I also want to start brainstorming for the magazine layout project, maybe even sketch out some ideas for that. I'm so slow and bad at working with the design software that I need to start as early as possible in order to ensure that I can finish in time and that it won't look like total shit.
Last item for tonight-- there's a new movie in the works called Red Sonja, produced by Robert Rodriguez and starring Rose McGowan. It's a sword and sorcery adventure story based on a Marvel comic (which I believe was originally a spin-off of Conan the Barbarian). Normally, that kind of thing is not my bag, but I do like Rodriguez and McGowan (if only because of the unbelievably awesome Grindhouse). Also, I saw the first promotional posters for the movie today, and I immediately thought, "I don't care if it sucks. I am seeing this movie and buying this poster as soon as possible." Check it out:
All right, that's all I've got for now. Take it easy. I'll keep you updated on what happens with the Coville interview. Wish me luck, as this is going to be a pretty intense and stressful week, but I'm coming into the home stretch of summer "boot camp" now, and just the idea of being done with it is giving me the energy and motivation I need.
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