Monday, September 1, 2008

On Drinking Alone

Hey gang,

I know I haven't posted in a few days. I've been really busy, and I continue to be really busy. This week is going to be a bitch, and I'd be kidding myself if I thought there was going to be such a thing as an easy week during this semester, but I'm hoping that once I make it to this Friday, things might calm down a bit. No matter what, I'm looking forward to this weekend because the NFL returns. I intend to post a preview article (probably a short one, by my standards) on the blog some time before the Thursday night game kicks off, but I can't make any promises, considering my schedule.

I just wanted to post this article about drinking alone that I read on the web site for Modern Drunkard Magazine (which is a pretty hilarious publication-- I recommend surfing around on the site and reading some other stuff. I don't even drink that much, but I love reading these articles). I have long been an advocate of solitary drinking. There's such a negative stigma attached to it-- people think that if you drink alone it means you're an alcoholic, or at least that you're depressed and sort of pathetic. I disagree. So does Frank Rich, founder of the Modern Drunkard and author of this article. He makes a lot of the same points I would make on the subject, mainly that it can be an extremely relaxing experience (infinitely more peaceful than, say, drinking at a bar) and that it's a good way to get in touch with yourself. Obviously, I would not recommend getting hammered alone (or with other people, for that matter) on an everyday basis, but every once in a while it's a good way to unwind.



fatpinkchicken said...

Well, there's a big difference between sitting alone in your closet and drinking straight from a bottle of Jack, and, like, having a few glasses of red wine and reading a book.

Nick Roberts said...

What about drinking rum while watching bad horror movies and laughing a lot? This seems to be my preferred method.